
The Arrimon PV rooftop installation was constructed in 2011 by the solar energy firm AE3000 in the Aquianien region in southern France, some 194 km east of Bordeaux. It went into operation in August 2011. 

Polycrystalline REC solar modules and converters made by SMA were selected during the planning phase. A long-term operations and maintenance plan, including an availability and performance guarantee, secures the energy output. 

The facility was purchased as part of a portfolio investment and delivers on the basis of its consistently good energy production and plant performance. Sustainable project dividends are secured through a favorable feed-in tariff of 60 ct/kWh.

Technical data

  • Type Rooftop, fixed system
  • Power 240 kWp
  • Energy Yield 230.349 kWh/p.a.
  • Module type Polycristalline, REC Solar (240PE)
  • Inverters SMA (4000TL)
  • Operation start 07.11.11